Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yo, where did you go?! has been almost one month since my last post. Whoa! Dating may not impact my Crossfitting but it does impact my blogging. Actually, work takes most of the blame. It is crazy everywhere - no personal or professional time to blog.

I am still Crossfitting. It is between 3 and 4 times a week. I found that 5 times a week was too much for me. 4 is the sweet spot for me. My weight loss has stalled. I have stayed at minus 20 pounds for the last month. I haven't gained but I haven't lost. I don't think it is because I am having crazy muscle gains. It is because I have loosened up on my diet - and yes, that is because of the boyfriend. I like to bake for him. I cook for us and I keep it fairly Paleo but always add in a grain or starch I wouldn't normally eat.

Here's the best part about today. I have been waiting for the right moment to bring up eating Paleo/Primal with my honey. I am not someone who goes around declaring diet advice. I have been humbled too many times to walk around pretending I know it all. I don't. What I know is that I feel better and my body looks better when I cut out the wheat/processed food/sugar products. Weight drops off. Eating well feels easy. My workouts are better. I get faster on the rower. I get stronger with my lifts. My hormones are balanced and I feel great.

However, I know that a diet change never comes because someone else tells you how great they feel. It has to come from a place that says "I don't want to feel bad anymore. I want to find a solution." My boyfriend does not have a weight problem. He's actually fit from years of manual labor. Still, he has a genetic predisposition for high blood pressure and he's on the verge of developing it. He's also a student now so he isn't doing the level of manual work he once was. He is feeling the changes.

Today, out of nowhere, he said, "I really want to stop eating wheat/dairy - I think I have sensitivites to both and I would feel better if I stop eating these things." I almost did a cheer. THANK YOU LORD! Yes!!! I said, "That is great because that is how I'm eating and I feel so much better." He said, "This is wonderful, we can eat this way together. It'll be fun."

You have no idea what a weight off this is. Now I need to spend time finding good recipes he will enjoy so he'll enjoy the food and see the difference quickly. I could eat eggs, raw nuts, and fish constantly with my veg and fruit but he needs a little more. This should be fun. Here's to going to the next level and hitting my next goal of 20 pounds down!