Thursday, August 12, 2010

Constantly Sore

I feel my muscles all of the time. I am constantly sore. I have not slowly lowered myself to the toilet seat in 3 months. Yes, that was a visual you wanted. You know what I'm talking about - you literally fall down because you have lost your ability to stabilize yourself mid squat.

I feel new muscles in my body. I can FEEL the muscles in my arms. When the chub finally flees, they will be fierce. My legs, too. However, my body fat test said I had not gained a single pound of muscle. I have maintained my muscle. For reals?! The body fat guy said that was totally normal for people who need to lose a large amount of weight. In fact, he said most people lose muscle along with fat until they get close to their goal weight when they begin increasing muscle, again. I'm not sure I understand why that would happen. I need a really good resource to explain this all to me. I may go post a question to one of the boards.

The problem is that there are so many armchair quarterbacks out there. They are definitely fit people but their knowledge of anatomy and physiology is based on what people have told them and not scientific fact. I want to know WHAT is going on in my body specifically and WHAT I need to do to increase muscle while I lose the fat. You cannot tell me that fat people have to wait until they are thin people to grow muscle. Give me a stinkin' break.

Ok, as you can tell, I am not excited about this news. One day at a time.

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