Friday, October 22, 2010
Say What?!
It really is crazy to look and see your body change. Every other weight loss has been about smaller size clothing or a number on the scale. This is about fitness, performance and health. It just amazes me me when I look down and I see my muscle definition starting to peek out. It's SO weird. I like it. I feel good but it isn't an arrogant's more like, "This is how life should feel."
Today, I am sore as all get out. SORE. SORE. SORE. I skipped Crossfit. With greater range of motion has come first day soreness. AGGGH! That's ok. I'll push through this and get there.
Alright peeps. Go get 'em. Share the changes when they happen because it's fun to celebrate.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
This Really Works
Today, I stopped, looked at my reflection and thought, "This Crossfit stuff really works. My body is changing."
There are changes I see in the head and shoulders mirror. My shoulders are more defined. I have killer biceps. My face is thinner. My collarbone is back. Today was the first day that I looked in the full length mirror and thought, "Wow. I am changing."
The novelty of Crossfit has worn off. That's good. It's no longer a new thing I'm doing. It's now what I do. Eating clean and Crossfitting are a part of my life. The changes have not been overnight but they have been consistent. I'm no longer staring at the scale or measuring every week. I'm just doing it and letting the results follow.
Here are some other things that have changed..slowly but surely:
1. I can walk hills and stairs without losing my breath.
2. I fit into an airline seat without flowing into the seat next to me.
3. My stamina has improved.
4. My shoes are too big - you know you are losing weight when your shoes are too big.
5. I want to meet my friends to do active things.
6. I prefer to eat in rather than eat out.
7. I prefer my healthy food to the unhealthy stuff I used to eat.
8. I get sad when I see soda and junk food commercials.
9. I don't get the headaches and body aches I lived with all the time...I am sore but not in pain like I used to be.
Crossfit really works. Keep at it. One day at a time.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Useless Without Pictures
Pictures are fantastic with success stories. It is great to take a quick glance and see the success. However, reading stats are great, too. I love knowing someone lost 40 pounds in 6 months eating ABC and working out X times per week at Crossfit. That is motivating, too.
What irritates me are these bobos who comment on success stories with a 'this post is useless without pictures'. What?! Why? The part that is most annoying is 9 times out of 10, it is on a woman's post.
I am not some crazy feminist. I get that guys like to look at women's bodies. I get that these Crossfit guys are into super fit women and they get excited looking at their bodies. Whatever. What bugs me is that a success post is seen as worthless to these guys without a picture for some horny guy to oggle. What's worse are the horny guys who mistake the site for a porn site and comment on success pictures posted by girls in a sexual
- I'm saluting you
- Good thing you can't see me below the waist
- I'll spot your back squat anytime
Really?! Some girls love it and respond. Doesn't matter. Crossfit spends hours talking about how they are a serious sport and that you can take your shirt off in the box without feeling like it is a meat market. Why, then, are the message boards allowed to be filled with this type of crap?
I am a work in progress. I don't have a bikini or sports bra photo and I am not going to have one. When I hit my goal and am hitting Rx and am 80 pounds lighter (down 22 right now), I will post my success and sing Jason and his team's praises from the mountaintops. I probably won't post a picture though. For those who have seen me slog it out day in and day out...they know the post is not worthless - it is priceless. Sorry, just had to let that one out!