Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This Really Works

I don't have a full length mirror in my home. I have three mirrors total - one in the bathroom that you can see your head and shoulders, one in the bedroom where you can see from hips up, and one in my roommate's room where you can see head and shoulders. We have discovered that the front door works perfectly as a mirror. I check myself out as I exit the house. If something is horribly wrong, I'll go back in and fix it..but usually I'm fine with the outcome.

Today, I stopped, looked at my reflection and thought, "This Crossfit stuff really works. My body is changing."

There are changes I see in the head and shoulders mirror. My shoulders are more defined. I have killer biceps. My face is thinner. My collarbone is back. Today was the first day that I looked in the full length mirror and thought, "Wow. I am changing."

The novelty of Crossfit has worn off. That's good. It's no longer a new thing I'm doing. It's now what I do. Eating clean and Crossfitting are a part of my life. The changes have not been overnight but they have been consistent. I'm no longer staring at the scale or measuring every week. I'm just doing it and letting the results follow.

Here are some other things that have changed..slowly but surely:

1. I can walk hills and stairs without losing my breath.
2. I fit into an airline seat without flowing into the seat next to me.
3. My stamina has improved.
4. My shoes are too big - you know you are losing weight when your shoes are too big.
5. I want to meet my friends to do active things.
6. I prefer to eat in rather than eat out.
7. I prefer my healthy food to the unhealthy stuff I used to eat.
8. I get sad when I see soda and junk food commercials.
9. I don't get the headaches and body aches I lived with all the time...I am sore but not in pain like I used to be.

Crossfit really works. Keep at it. One day at a time.

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