Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Making Progress

My parents visited this weekend. It was the first time I had seen them since Christmas. I have lost a few pounds. They commented that I looked great and was doing so well. However, you can never be 100% sure if they are saying it because they know you are working on it or if they really see a difference.

My Mom and I went shopping - the universal mother/daughter bonding activity. I haven't shopped too much. Last time I went (in January), I wasn't down as much as I thought size-wise and I got discouraged. So, I haven't really pursued shopping lately. Mom wanted to go to Target. If there is one place where the clothes look HORRIBLE on me - it is Target. I wasn't super thrilled but I thought, "What the heck?!" I was shocked that I fit into so many things there now - and they looked good. I wasn't even the largest regular size. Woo hoo!!! We are definitely moving in the right direction!!!

Recently, I bought a new bathing suit. It will make its debut this weekend. If I am daring enough, I will take a picture and post it. AGGGH! Nightmare. Buying the suit itself was a huge step after ten years of avoiding a swimsuit at all costs. It has almost been a year and I want to ROCK a swimsuit, but I'm not there yet. This year I must be content in wearing one and not being embarassed.

I am rocking Crossfit this week. I am still modifying because of my back but putting in full effort and feeling worked over by the time I leave. It's a good feeling! Keep at it, folks. Keep at it! Sustained effort in the same direction over a long period of time will yield results!

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