Thursday, February 3, 2011


I always hesitate when I consider setting physical goals. It seems that as soon as I set them, I end up going the opposite direction. There's a spiritual dynamic there. However, I am 3.5 months away from hitting one year at Crossfit. Ideally, I wanted to be down 50 pounds by my first anniversary. Right now, I'm at 27 pounds down. Can I lose 23 pounds by May 20th? That would require about 7 pounds a month - or 2 pounds a week. For those of you who have lost weight, who loses 2 pounds a week after 9 months on a program? No one.

It's a lunatic idea but I think I'm going to keep my eyes fixed on 50 pounds by May 20th. I honestly think I can do it. Logic tells me no. History tells me no. But something inside of me is telling me, "YES!" I will do it. I kind of want to set the bar even higher and go for the 100s before my 1st anniversary. Man, once I'm back in the 100s, I ain't never leavin'. Not for pregnancy. Not for ice cream. Not for love or money. Being a woman and weighing over 200 pounds is demoralizing.

I think I have found the right nutrition for my body. I have been off training this week because I got a semi-flu..aches, pains, snuffly, etc...but never the full blown mama jamma. I kept eating right and taking my supplements and now I'm better. During this time, I have tweaked my nutrition to remove all the hidden sugars I was consuming. Well, some were not so hidden - like the couple of pieces from the office candy dish or the party food at various shin digs or the honey in my coffee. Others were hidden. The extra sugar in some fruit. The swaps on the limited processed foods I do eat.

Since making the tweaks, I have dropped 5 pounds. (I had gone up to 231 again). Granted, I haven't been training so I haven't had the water retention from muscle recovery. That helps. Still, the scale would not budge before. Now it's moving - IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION!

So, you with me. 199 by May 20th? I say, "Why not?!" Shoot for the moon - if you miss it, you might reach the stars!

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