Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Back Squat!

I have now been at Crossfit for 8 months. This is the rest of my life, folks. It isn't a flash in the pan. It is 'slow and steady wins the race'. To be fair, my results slowed because I loosened up my diet and training schedule too much. I still improved in performance and maintained my weight loss but I didn't propel forward like some people do. Although I could beat myself up, I choose to be proud of myself for staying connected.

Since January, I have recommitted to clean eating and workouts five days a week. I FEEL the difference. Today, I did a back squat of 115 lbs. To be fair, I have absolutely no idea if that's good or not. (Sorry, Jason). What I do know is that I spent 6 months trying to get full range of motion on my squats. It was the most frustrating thing in the world. I could not get down there to SAVE MY LIFE. So, when I hit 115 lbs today on a backsquat, I wanted to shout, "HALLELUJIAH!" Suddenly, things like pull ups and full push ups don't seem so far fetched.

I like to think that I'm the most blessed person at Crossfit East Cobb. I started with one foot in the grave. I know what it is like to not be able to perform physically. I know the embarassment of saying, "Really, this is all I can do." I know the pride of doing it even though shame tries to tell me to stay home. I can truly say to anyone, "You can do Crossfit." I am the object lesson - I don't have to point to the object lesson.

One day, I will reach my physical goals - maybe this year, maybe next year. I will hit 20% and below body fat. I will do pull-ups. I will run a mile and feel good. People will call me fit and I will believe them! Man, I will be filled with joy that day. However, the joy is not limited to that day. The joy is in the process. The joy is in hitting it the first time and every time after that...because I know what it's like to not be able to do it at all!

Wherever you are. Whoever you are. You can do this. You are the only thing stopping you. Go. Scale. Improve. LIVE!

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