Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hungry for Nuffin

Day 8 of this bug and still no appetite. I walked through the Farmer's Market and NOTHING caught my eye. Not a bread. Not a cookie. Not a cheese. Not a meat. Not a veggie. Not a fruit. Nothing. Yesterday I had Wendy's for lunch. Do you know that is the ONLY thing I have eaten that tasted good to me all week? Igggh. I refuse to live off fast food so I'm ignoring that it tasted good and moving back into the land of clean eating. I am hungry. Legitimately hungry. Nothing appeals to me. So, what do I eat? Healthy food. If nothing appeals to you, you might as well keep it healthy, right? At least that way your body is using the food to heal you. Breakfast today was 24 raw almonds and 1/2 a bottle of kefir. I bought it for the probiotics before I realized the antibiotic would be killing all bacteria..thereby completely eliminating the probiotic. Still, I had it in the house and thought it might be soothing. Not so much. Lunch was some beef brisket from Whole Foods, 1/2 of an organic red bell pepper, 1 banana and about 10 barbeque potato chips. I have some grassfed beef thawing for a hamburger for dinner. That actually does sound ok to me. We'll see how my stomach reacts. A couple of weeks ago I gained 8 pounds for no reason. I've lost those 8 plus 5 more. Who knows where I'll land. My hope is to make my goal of leaving the 200s before my 38th birthday. We'll see. I do miss Crossfit but the fact that I'm beyond exhausted from walking through the grocery store tells me that I'm not ready to head back quite yet. I hate missing it. I better not be losing muscle. Perhaps this time off will be what my back needs to completely heal. Perhaps this is the bug that solves all things!

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