Monday, July 12, 2010

Excuse me, sir..have you seen my lungs?

ahhhh...Crossfit today. Holy cow.

We did overhead presses 5x5 (I got up to 55 - woo hoo - had no idea I could do that much yet) and then:

10 suppine ring pulls
10 tricep push ups (others did a variation..muscle up, pull ups, etc)
THEN the following (5x for time)
10 overhead presses
10 kettlebells (I did Rx weight on this - touch that, people)
10 slam balls (I did 8 - I should have done 12)
15 abmat sit ups (others did GHD)
Sprint 100 ft (or yards - I always get those confused)

I did 21:47....

You start out and you think, "Wow, I can do we go..." AND THEN YOU HIT THE FIRST SPRINT....bye, bye lungs. I was SHOCKED at how great my body felt pain, almost effortless...I have definitely gained some major strength/muscle stamina these past two months. My lungs were another story. I thought they would burst in my chest. I was wheezing..oh holy cow.

That's when Crossfit kills me. I'm wheezing, purple-faced and most people would stop and say, "Ok, great workout..." NOPE...we keep going...4 more the 5th time, I am just thinking, "You have come this have to finish it out."

I am still not running 95% of the save my joints. I row ALOT. Row, row, row your boat..gently down Crossfit. Jason told me to get under 2:30...and I am doing that consistently now. I was so proud and instead of saying, "Great, you are under 2:30!"..he said, "Get it under 2 now." LOL. I just love that guy. "Sure, no problem - new goal..keep going." After feeling my lungs when running today, I need to push the rowing a bit harder....that's a different kind of lung feel..more like your legs are compressing your lungs.

Alrighty, full day to the showers!

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