Wednesday, June 23, 2010

HAWT and Healthy

Today's WOD:

Row 1,000 meters
150 Abmat sit ups (others could do 100 GHD)
150 Sledge Hammer Swings (8 lbs for moi)
250 Rowing (200 double unders or 1000 single unders for others) (I did this 3 times)
FOR TIME - My time: 41.14...

The girl who barely made it through the warm up five weeks ago and four weeks ago could barely do 4 sledge hammer swings did the warm up plus the above. REALLY?! My lower back tells the story of those sit ups.

I got home from work today and got the new issue of Health magazine. Christina Hendricks (Mad Men sexy redhead) is on the cover. That is my idea of beauty. Soft, curvy and gorgeous. I want to be fit, but I want curves. I was excited that they featured her as hot and healthy. Nice. I admire the HARD body girls at the gym. They look HAWT, too....but I feel best a little fleshy and hourglass. Doesn't mean I can't be fit at the same time, right?

Granted, I have a LONG way to go before I have to think about that fine tuning. However, it's good to see a picture of where I want to be someday. Keeps me focused on the end game. Love it!

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