Thursday, June 3, 2010

Week 2: May 28-June 3

Hey, that's me over there...doing a deadlift...for the first time...I felt strong until Jason pointed out I was using a training was I supposed to know the difference? Oh well - GO ME!


What a difference a week makes. I am a little over two weeks into Crossfit and I can see improvement already. It isn’t Olympic style improvement but it is something. I can actually finish the warm-up and want to do more. I haven’t been incapacitated by my soreness this week. I am very aware of most of the muscles in my body but I have my range of motion back. Whew.

One thing I learned this week was the importance of protein in speeding up muscle repair. It really makes a difference. I am eating my share of lean, organic meats and high-quality eggs with a whey protein shake thrown in here and there. I am rebounding faster. They say nutrition is 80% of the battle – and I believe it. We spend 30 minutes to one hour in the gym a day vs. 14-16 hours making food choices. You do the math. A friend recently told me, “It’s a whole lot easier not to eat something than to try to work it off in the gym.” I am finding that to be the truth.

This week I also did something I swore I would never do again. I bought a scale. I won’t bore you with the hell that a scale can bring into my life. However, I do need one to make sure my nutrition is staying in line with my work outs. I don’t want to come out of this heavier (and I have done that before with workout routines). I started at 253 pounds. Today, I am 247.2. 5.8 pounds is a fantastic loss so far. My diet has changed drastically. My life has changed drastically. I eat ‘clean’, I do Crossfit, and I find excuses to be active. I have traded in meeting friends for meals to meeting them for walks. I cook my own food. I choose whole, organic, unprocessed food.

This is how I should eat and move. This is how I want my life to look long term. I have had my share of the other stuff and it has just led to pain and limitations. Isn’t it amazing that we can change what we put in our mouths and how we move to recreate the quality of our lives? That is a blessing – so many people around the world don’t have this opportunity.

As for Crossfit, I am really impressed by our leader, Jason. Today, I ran the parking lot. I felt accomplished. He encouraged me to hold off on running until I get more weight off. I was a little deflated but was also thankful that he isn’t just trying to be the hard core trainer – he’s concerned about my overall fitness. What do I accomplish by training too hard, too quickly and coming out injured? Nothing. He is constantly watching form, coaching, but he is still pushing for best efforts.

There is someone out there right now who has looked at the Crossfit site and has said, “Man, that’s intense. There’s no way I could do that workout.” I am here to tell you that you can. With commitment, consistency, and conditioning, you can do this workout. I know I will improve and as Jason said today, “There will always be something in the gym you have to work up to doing.”

I think the key is overcoming your pride, walking in the door and saying, “I am not there today but I want you to help me get there.” Then, you keep walking in and saying it – day in and day out.

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