Friday, August 20, 2010

Holy Cow

Fridays have been kicking my BUTT! I can't even describe today's workout but I will tell you a Holy Cow moment. First, I hit TWENTY pounds gone today. Praise the Lord and pass my protein shake. There was one task on the board that I blogged about here. We had to drag a 90 pound sled around the parking lot.

Last time that was an 'AHA' moment. I had two other women with me and we could barely get it around the lot. That is when I realized the load my body was laboring under everyday. That cemented the whole thing in my heart and mind. This change IS happening. I am NOT giving up.

This morning, there it was but the goal was to have 2 women drag it around the lot. Say what!? I grabbed one of the girls I did it with the first time and off we went. It wasn't effortless but it wasn't super hard and there were TWO OF US! Do you want to talk about joy?

Sure, I see little things every day that make me happy I Crossfit. Smaller clothes. Tighter arms. Ease of movement Ingrained health choices. However, the moments that make you want to grab and bear hug your Crossfit trainer are the ones where you do something with relative ease that once was almost impossible.

Yea, come on. Today is a very good Crossfit day.

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