Tuesday, August 3, 2010

I get knocked down...

...but I get up, again. I was back on the deadlifts this morning. After 2 weeks of letting the ole' back heal, I was back at it....at a super light weight but still back at it.

One day at a time people. One day at a time.

I liked this morning's workout. I actually wish we had 15 minutes to do AMRAP. I almost did 3 rounds - I hate it when I almost get the next set out and miss it.

I wonder if our morning class would do better if we couldn't see the clock with AMRAPs. It seems that people stop when they realize they can't complete their set. I think it's valuable for the competitive sorts (and those who are more fit) to see the clock but we seem to give up too soon. I think a fun test would be to do the same workout two weeks in a row. One week let people see the clock and another week don't let people see it. I'd be interested to see how the results vary.

I try to remind myself that the only person I am cheating by stopping is me. I should work at maximum capacity the whole time for me. The hardest part for me is my breathing. My lungs feel like they will explode after I do the cardio components and then I need to rest for a second to get my air back. It is getting better but I look forward to the day I can get a few rounds in before I hit that sucking wind stage.

Another day, another WOD. Off I go to trounce the rest of the day.

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