Monday, June 14, 2010

"I Don't Sweat"

I want to invite my friends who boast, "Oh, I just don't sweat" to do Crossfit. Granted, I 'glow' with the slightest exertion...but no one leaves Crossfit Soft n Dri. I leave purple-faced and soaked. Everyone else, soaked.

I was a little too free this weekend with my eating. At first, I worried about it because I would not lose weight as quickly...but this morning something else became clear. Training is HARDER when you are eating Krisy Kreme donuts. It wasn't like I pigged out all weekend..but I had more carbs and sugar..and I felt it today. Eating for performance - that's a curious thing.

Today we did the following work out - I did it with no modifications (well, the Turkish get-up thing got cut short cuz I had to go. However, the core workout was this:

AMRAP (as many reps as possible)
5 Clean jerk ups ..something
10 Wall Balls
15 Ball Slams (I likey these but boy do they get my heart rate up)

In 20 minutes, I did it 6 times!

Then we did Turkish get ups - I suppose this is a miliatry move because it looks like you could get up and shoot someone with this move - but who knows.

Well, I wrote this in hopes that I would stop sweating but I have not - I have an early meeting so I will just have to deal with it and go get ready.

Happy Monday, people. Make it count.

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