Friday, June 25, 2010


Last night I went out with a friend for dinner and she picked the restaurant. It was a meat and three kind of place. The meats were battered and fried and vegetables were mac and cheese and the like. I am not 100% sure why I thought that chicken and dumplings was the best choice, but I did. I got a small bowl and a piece of cornbread.

First of all, the cornbread tasted rancid. I was SOO hungry (had gone 6 hours without eating - too busy at work to get my snack in) so I ate it. Why oh why? Then, I had the chicken and dumplings - and I regretted it all night into this morning. For the first time in over a month, I had acid reflux, gas, nausea, etc. WHAT was that?!

I am eating a lot of good maybe it was the bad fat...or maybe the flour. Regardless, the experience will move me to pipe up on restaurant choices in the future...or to better prepare ahead of time so I can limit what I eat there. It isn't about being strict, it's about feeling well. I didn't enjoy my evening because I felt so bad. I feel better when I eat Paleo/Primal. Feeling good is a great thing!

My performance in the gym this morning was awful. I convinced myself that all I had to do was the warm up. I was so tired and weighed down by that meal. I did the warm up and then did bench presses, supine ring pulls, kettle bells and dumbbell bench presses. I am happy I went. That was five days this week! Way to go, me! (I'll take it where I can get it)

My 17 year-old nephew is coming into town this weekend...can't wait...not sure why he wants to hang out with his aunt all weekend..but sure am happy he does!

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