Monday, June 21, 2010

Random Wounds

I love how everyone in this picture has a laser-like focus on the task at hand. In this moment, I am rowing - there is nothing else I am thinking about - just the rowing.

I randomly wound myself everyday at Crossfit. These aren't warrior fitness wounds. They are pathetic 'my shoes suck' and 'I hit myself with a kettleball' wounds. More pain has been brought on by my stupid shoes than anything else. I tried Chuck Taylors but they rub my feet raw on top when I row...not sure why.

My knees are constantly bruised from burpees. You may ask how one bruises their knees while doing burpees. It happens when you repeatedly have to get up using your knees because you aren't strong enough to jump back up yet. (but I'm getting closer)

I also have a ripped area on my thumb from burpees...the stupid mats are torn up in spots and my hand always finds that particular spot.

These are wounds I can handle. Thankfully, Jason works hard to keep me from truly injuring myself by watching form.

By the way, I promise I own more than that blue top - I just haven't had a chance to buy better workout wear yet. BUY THE SWEAT WICKING KIND - TRUST ME.

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